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Markita Franulić

Srdjana Cvijetić

Drago Kalafatović




Vizua aperta

Općina Janjina

Poljoprivredna zaduga Putniković

One Take Film Festival

Kino klub Zagreb

Hrvatski filmski savez

Hrvatski foto kino klub

Art radionica Lazareti

Društvo arhitekata Zagreba




Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske

Grad Dubrovnik - UO za kulturu

Danish Art Foundation Statens KunstfondIaspis




Mala sirena - Žuljana, Općina Janjina - Vlatko Mratović, Antonija i Marijana Miljas, Poljoprivredna zaduga Putniković, Jozo Rabušić, Drago Kalafatović, Sandro Rašuo, Miho Baće, Autobusni prijevoz - Autotrans doo, Dubrovnik Libertas doo, Marko Ercegović, Osnovne škole u Janjini i Žuljani, Barbara i Merrsio, Maja Čalić Bogojević, Vinarija Križ, Općina Ston, mještani Janjine,Žuljane, Drača, Putnikovića...

Ivona Valašić: Kraj/The End


Conception Connections – Davorka Peric
Curators: Lotte Møller, Tanja Stanić, Katarina Ivanišin Kardum and Davorka PericOrganization: Katarina Ivanišin Kardum, Tanja Stanic, Lotte Møller and Davorka Peric

This year Vizura aperta is held in the inland of Peljesac, in and around the old village of Janjina. Janjina was once a vibrant cultural center with cinema and theater, palaces, numerous houses, shops, and residents. Due to its location (in the inland of the peninsula), Janjina’s architecture, the spirit of the place and its atmosphere was preserved from urban devastation, but the inhabitants left.
During the festival, a temporary community of artists and locals will come to life again. Through several workshops in a five-day program, artists and locals will create works in the context of this year's theme COMMUNICATIONS. In the duration of the festival, we provide a transportation infrastructure and construct a series of art events in various locations on Peljesac, and invite people to join us.
In addition to abandoned houses and public spaces, the program is also taking place on board different means of transport: A bus and a boat will be used as platforms for films and video projections, exhibitions, and conversations with artists and locals. There will also be exhibitions, projections of films and workshops in Janjina, Žuljana, Putniković, and Drace, stations on the way from Dubrovnik to Pelješac, as well as places somewhere in between; in the inland and on the coast.
The work of artists and curators is a continuation of earlier artistic practices of Vizura aperta, which are characterized by an urge to emphasize and strengthen social relations. The works of art that are created in this context represent the current view of society but talk even more about the connections and relationships in a specific micro community. The involvement of the public and the local residents in temporary microcosms of artistic activities and summer gatherings is at the very core of Vizura’s artistic practices. The audience and working process are subjects of our practices.
Vizura aperta is not primarily acting politically critical, but strive to imagine a better society, and for a short period of time take the audience on a visit to a distant utopian community. By way of current art practice, and especially the topic of this year: 'Connections', we point to the possibility of sharing time and space in temporary constellations different from everyday life, which initiates the communication between people and establishes connections to new topos, the space of utopia. Where processes within an environment become an artistic act, mutual interaction becomes a medium or a link and a path to the realization of a local, temporarily improved - utopian social organization.
17th edition of Vizure aperta - Connections - cooperation with several organizations, artists and curators: Marijana Stanić – Jedinstvo Pogon, Sanja Šamanović - One take film festival, Nicole Hewitt - Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Rozana Vojvoda and Petra Golušić - Art Gallery Dubrovnik, Lucija Vuković and Helena Puhara, House Bukovac, Cavtat and Ivana Meštrov- Loose associations.
The guests of the festival are artists and curators from Dubrovnik, Zagreb, Copenhagen, Berlin, London, Paris, and Gdansk. As part of the program, local artists are presenting works related to Pelješac and themes of travel, and the contemporary Dubrovnik art scene will be represented in the form of texts, exhibitions, and single visual artworks. There will be a video and film program with a travel theme, the children's workshops will evolve around the topic of interrelationships, and we will touch local topics of the transit of goods and customs in the workshop of 'Pelješac pride'. Physical and intimate connections are some of the topics of this year's Vizura aperta. The selection of Danish and Swedish artists by curator Lotte Møller establishes various links between language and objects, and ways of communication with regards to the place and the inhabitants, and the activist approach is visible in the selection of London artists by Tanja Stanić who calls for collaboration - social and artistic work.
In the words of Nicolas Bourriaud, "So here we are summoned to talk about things around a duly priced drink that become a symbolic form of contemporary human relationships",* we announce the opening of the festival with the work of Siniša Labrović – Tourism.
We would like to point out the absurdity of selling out public space and the common goods that society imposed on us as necessary and normal. As a way of resistance to this we are choosing isolated communities, places in the inland of the peninsula, an island, and support the idea of relocation and travel to places of resistance or places outside of the system, better social systems. Continually repeating from year to year we want to establish their value system and bond, establish some temporary new harmony, a political construct, a life projection. Through artistic works and just by being within the community, the forms are created to communicate towards the place and its people, something like the alphabet of some other temporary language, a picture of a temporary ideal society through passive action, an oxymoron.     

                                                                              text by Davorka Peric

*Nicolas Bourriaud: Relational Aesthetics, Foreword, page 9

translatation Tanja Stanić i Lotte Møller



25. 7. 2017. utorak / tuesday

18:00 Otvorenje izložbe Opening of the exhibition Tomisalv Ivanišin: Slika poništenog krajolika Picture of the canceled landscape, Drače 73, Drače (text Petra Golušić,curator Katarina Ivanišin Kardum)

20:00 Siniša Labrović: Turizam Tourism, performance, Drače

21:00 Otvorenje festivala Opening of the Festival, Drače

23: 00 Putni program: Ana Hušman: Razglednice, Igor Bezinović: Vrlo kratki izlet, Nicole Hewitt: Most, izbor filmova Davorka Perić, Kino Janjina
26.7. 2017. srijeda / Wednesday

11:00 KRAJobraz: Pelješki PONOS - tradicijski oblik Karavane za prijenos vina a traditional form of Wine Caravans, voditelji concept and coordination: Aneta Mudronja Pletenac i Tomislav Pletenac, Putniković

17:00 Radionica One take film festivala Workshop One take film festival voditelj concept by Boris Cvjetanović, Janjina

18:00 Glumačka radionica za djecu - Veze Acting Children's Workshop - Connections voditeljica concept and coordination: Zrinka Antičević, Kino Cinema Janjina

20:00 Rozana Vojvoda: Zenaida Bandur (1885.-1946.) - zaboravljeni slikarski opus između forgotten painting opus between Ston, Dubrovnik, Zagreb, predavanje lecture, Dom Kulture Culture House Janjina

21: 30 Otvorenje izložbe Opening of the exhibition Vatren Pekić: Put Travel, Studenac,Janjina (text Petra Golušić, curator Davorka Perić)

21.30 Olof Olsson: Driving the Blues Away - an info comedy, performance, Kavana Žuljana

12:00 - 14:00 & 18:00 - 20:00 Boris Greiner: Mas Fuerte Que La Pistola, zajednička proizvodnja slike Collaborative Production of One Picture, Janjina

27.7. 2017. četvrtak / thursday

11:00 KRAJobraz: Pelješki PONOS - tradicijski oblik Karavane za prijenos vina a traditional form of Wine Caravans, voditelji concept and coordination: Aneta Mudronja Pletenac i Tomislav Pletenac, Putniković

17:00 Radionica One take film festivala Workshop One take film festival voditelj concept by Boris Cvjetanović, Žuljana

18:00 Glumačka radionica za djecu - Veze Acting Children's Workshop - Connections voditeljica concept and coordination: Zrinka Antičević, Kino Cinema, Janjina

18:00 – 23:00 Correspondance Ivana Meštrov (Slobodne veze Loose Associations) &
Pauline Gauthron, video program Bus Dubrovnik- Putniković-Janjina-Dubrovnik

20:00 Trasiranje Komunikacija Transfer Communication, prezentacija projekta project presentation Helena Puhara i Lucija Vuković, Kuća House Bukovac

21:00 Otvorenje izložbe Opening of the exhibition Mara Bratoš: Odnos Relationship, 2017., fotografije photos, Putniković

12:00 - 14:00 & 18:00 - 20:00 Boris Greiner: Mas Fuerte Que La Pistola, zajednička proizvodnja slike Collaborative Production of One Picture, Janjina


28.7. 2017. petak / Friday

11:00 KRAJobraz: Pelješki PONOS - tradicijski oblik Karavane za prijenos vina a traditional form of Wine Caravans, voditelji concept and coordination: Aneta Mudronja Pletenac i Tomislav Pletenac, Putniković

17:00 Radionica One take film festivala Workshop One take film festival voditelj concept by Boris Cvjetanović, Žuljana

18:00 Glumačka radionica za djecu - Veze Acting Children's Workshop - Connections vo diteljica concept and coordination: Zrinka Antičević, Kino Cinema, Janjina

18:00 Kombi linija Combi transport Janjina – Žuljana – Janjina


12:00 - 14:00 & 18:00 - 20:00 Boris Greiner: Mas Fuerte Que La Pistola, zajednička proizvodnja slike Collaborative Production of One Picture, Janjina

19:00 Tanja Stanić & Naoko Takahasi, performance, Žuljana
20:00 Siniša Labrović: Sjetva Synthesis, performance, 5 minutes, Vučine

21:00 NickySpeaks Vida Gee i Eklips: audio-vizualna instalacija na brodu audio-visual in stallation on the boat Kristina, more sea Žuljana

21.30 Olof Olsson: Driving the Blues Away - an info comedy, performance, Cafe Žuljana

29.7. 2017. subota / saturday

11:00 KRAJobraz: Pelješki PONOS - tradicijski oblik Karavane za prijenos vina a traditional form of Wine Caravans, voditelji concept and coordination: Aneta
Mudronja Pletenac i Tomislav Pletenac, Putniković

17:00 Radionica One take film festivala Workshop One take film festival voditelj concept by Boris Cvjetanović, Žuljana

18:00 Glumačka radionica za djecu - Veze Acting Children's Workshop - Connection vo diteljica concept and coordination: Zrinka Antičević, Kino Cinema Janjina

18:00 – 23:00 Igor Bezinović: Kratki izlet Brief Excursion, izbor selection: Davorka Perić Autobus Dubrovnik-Janjina-Dubrovnik

12:00 - 14:00 & 18:00 - 20:00 Boris Greiner: Mas Fuerte Que La Pistola, zajedničk proizvodnja slike Collaborative Production of One Picture, Janjina

21:00 -24:00 
Otvorenje izložbe Produkcija 17. Festivala Vizura aperta (svi sudionici)
Opening of the exhibition Production of the 17th Vizura aperta Festival (all the participans)

Annika Ström, performans sa zborom performance with choir Klapa Žuljanka

Vinyl-Terror & -Horror: Room service (sound installation), Drago, Janjina

Anders Bonnesen: Molim vas, možete li mi reći vrijeme? Can you please tell me what time it is?, javni sat public clock

Ivona Vlašić: Kraj The End, video, instalacija i fotografije video, installation and photos

Lise Harlev: Izgubljene stvari ne mogu se zamijeniti Lost things can’t be replaced, 6 posters različite lokacije different locations: Drače, Janjina, Žuljana (curator Lotte Møller)

23:00 Dodjela nagrada festivala Award ceremony of the festival


© 2023 by VizuraAperta

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