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 gošca kustosica Lotte Møller

20. 08. 2019. Janjina

U suradnji s kustosicom Lotte Møller u Janjini nastavlja se suradnja s dansko-njemačkom kulturnom scenom u radovima danskih umjetnica Ragnhild May and Vinyl-Terror & -Horror (Camilla Sørensen and Greta Christensen) čiji radovi negiraju granice između vizualne umjetnosti i zvuka u formi instalacija i performancea u javnom prostoru.

Vinyl-Terror & -Horror (DK) is a collaboration between Camilla Sørensen (b.1978) and Greta Christensen (b. 1977). Both graduated from the Royal Danish Art Academy in Copenhagen in 2007/2008. The artist duo is based in Berlin. The project is focused on the relationship between objects and sound.

Ragnhild May *1988 Odense, DK (lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark)
Through her installations, sculptures, and performances, Ragnhild May seeks to break down the
traditional boundaries between visual arts and music. Her starting point for her works is her interest in the relationship between sound, materiality and human bodies, thus she has created several self-designed instruments, playing with the idea of cyborgs, robots as well as the cultural history of music, sound, and instruments.

May received herMFA at Bard College NY and Det Jyske Kunstakademi, Aarhus.

Lotte Møller , Mag. Art. (MA Research Degree)
Born in V. Åby, Denmark, lives in Berlin since 2001,

Lotte Møller is a freelance art historian and curator. She runs the project space die raum in Berlin. die raum is a purpose-built art space of only 5 m2. Each exhibition presents a site-specific installation accompanied by a limited edition of posters.Other projects include the co-curation of the 17th and 18th Vizura aperta festival in Peljesac, Croatia, 2017. Apart from curating she also works as a lecturer, writer, editor, and translator.

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